jueves, 8 de julio de 2021

Time travel to the future

The current pandemic has changed everyone's routine, from going out when we wanted to to quarantines, from seeing our faces every day at the university to only seeing squares by Zoom, from being able to go down the street with your face uncovered to do it with mask. All this in less than a couple of weeks.

Vaccines such as Sinovac, AstraZeneca, Pfizer or Cansino are currently being applied, which allow greater immunity to the effects of the COVID-19 virus, especially in not falling into hospitalization. However, new variants of the virus have appeared that have worried the scientific community as to whether these vaccines work for the new variants.

I would like to travel a few years into the future to know if the pandemic ended, to know what effects it had on the population, how long the classes would last in online mode, if we will use masks for a long time, or if in a few years we could meet as before.

I hope this happened long before 2030, that the pandemic lasted a couple more months and we managed to get back to normal. If that were the case, I would go back to the present and wait for it to all end. In the opposite case that we were still in a pandemic, I should honestly think if I would return to the present.

1 comentario:

  1. Completion:
    All covered effectively.

    Task: All aspects of the task are well handled.
    Lexis: Good use of lexical resources /Coherence generally well handled.
    Grammar: Grammar is adequate despite minor errors

    Final mark: 6,5


Time travel to the future

The current pandemic has changed everyone's routine, from going out when we wanted to to quarantines, from seeing our faces every day at...