jueves, 29 de abril de 2021

Spain: A country that I would like to visit.

 Traveling is an activity that I like very much, although I have never traveled outside the country. My dream has always been to travel to Europe, especially Spain, mainly because of its language so that I could talk to people wherever I go. Spain is located on the Iberian Peninsula, next to Portugal. It is a land full of very diverse cultures and, although Spanish is commonly spoken, there are hundreds of differences between the languages of each area in Spain.

Something that draws my attention about Spain is its climate, it is usually mild weather, not so different from the Chilean climate, but somewhat colder. There are many mountains and a very diverse flora and fauna.

I would like to travel to Spain for a while, maybe study a few years and go back to Chile. There are many places in Spain that I would like to visit such as Barcelona or the capital, Madrid, but I could not be away from my family and friends for a long time so I would surely want to return to Chile at some point.

Time travel to the future

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